
Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Last Questions Is the end

Act Five, Scene One

1)Why do Lorenzo and Jessica remind each of the stories of classical lovers?
So then they can do what they did.

2)What are
Portia's feelings as she approaches the house?
Pissed off, Worried

3)What is the first argument to break out?

4)How do Gratiano and Bassanio try to justify parting with the rings, are they successful?
Yes, Because they explain their reason to why they lost there rings.

5)Was Bassanio right to give away the ring, give reasons for your thinking?
Yes, Why? Because of what Antiono  

6)How can the newly-weds threaten to sleep with the men who took their rings- and mean it?

7)What effect do these arguments have on Antonio?
Nothing really, because

8)Portia and Nerissa have the rings. What does this prove to Antonio, Gratiano and Bassanio?
That Bassanio & Gratiano aren't good at keeping their promise, but not Antonio because he had nothing to do with it, but to see what happens. 

9)How do Antonio, Lorenzo and Jessica benefit from news that Portia brings?

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