
Thursday, 4 July 2019

My Food Bag Semester

Who was my profile target?
My Profile target was a rugby player and what they eat to stay healthy and strong with growth in their muscles getting better at what they do.

What was your recipe decision based on?
So my recipe was based on muscle growth, carbs (energy), Iron, and calcium. Some rugby players would need that for what they do in their games plus their training without that they would be in pain and wouldn't be able to play for a while.

Explain why this recipe was chosen to do?
I chose this recipe because it links to what rugby players need in order to keep healthy. The recipe has all the needs for a healthy breakfast, so the ingredients that have all the Carbs, Iron, Protein and Calcium makes a player ready for anything.

How does it fit into the nutritional model of the dinner plate
Its fits by having all of what the dinner plate model has because with an Omelette it pretty much has everything of the three things on the model. 

What changes did you make during the 2 practice practical sessions & why did you make these changes?
Well, the first one didn't work properly because we forgot to add milk which keeps it together and not fall apart, and with the other one, it works because of the changes we did with the first one and to our final one.

What were the positive about my Final practical?
The positives about my final practical were that when we had done the changes between the two I'd have noticed that changing what we had and putting it together for the final would be way much better than the first one we did. Which turned out at scrambled eggs and stuff.

Describe 2 things you have learnt in this semester
1 - Finding the right type of food, for the right type of age group or people. 
2 - Working out everything about my profiled person and what they need to have in their daily lives to stay healthy and work to be the best.

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