
Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Writing Goal

My goal in writing is: To get to 3A to a 4P

I have chosen this goal because: Then I can meet the standed  

To achieve this goal I will: Practice, Practice, Practice

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Readers Theatre: The TEM of TAM

What am I learning?
I am learning to be more confident in reading my scripts. 

How am I going towards achieving this learning? 
Practice, Practice, Practice. 

What do I need to do to be a strong performer in Reader's Theatre? 
Don't be nervous, Stay calm, Very clear voice. 

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Stone carving (Models)

Image result for white stone models maori kroaToday in Stone carving, We looked at four types of the carvings that we were going to do for the festival of the arts for showing. The first one that we are still doing is a moari koru out of white stone the others I don't know yet for sure but stone carving helps me show a bit of skill and what I can do.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Final Logo designs

Final Logo Designs 
I've been working on the Logo's for Uru Manuka here is two of them.I tried my best to make it represent Uru Manuka.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Quail Island

Map of Quail Island 
Questions about Quail Island 
  1. What does the name Otamahua mean? Quail Island  
  2. Where did the name Quail Island come from? It comes from when the settlers came there were a bunch of quails on it fleeing from them.
  3. How big is the island? Approximately 80 Hectares
  4. How was the island created? At first, the island was just a bump in the water and when the sea levels lowered it came out of the water and became an island.
  5. What wildlife is present on the island - native/introduced? Karoro, Tarapunga, Korora
  6. Mahinga kai food gathering was an important Activity for Maori. What food did they gather from Otamahau? Shellfish, flax, birds, eggs  
  7. How have Introduced species (Animals/birds/insects) damaged the environment?The ferrets eat the native bird's eggs so the can't be born and then there aren't enough birds to carry the seeds.
  8. What rules has DOC created to help protect Otamahau?Fire is a real danger – do not take matches or cigarette lighters. Be careful with the bags you take on the island.. Check them for unwanted stowaways like rodents.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Aha te tae (Screencastify and slides)

We have been learning to use screencastify to do our Maori colors on the slides we are also learning to show what it means.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017


Image result for tuck and roll

We have just learned how to tuck and roll and we also learned how to use the beam jumping over the cone on the beam. The part I was most suck on was how to tuck and roll most of my fear was on the beam.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Stand by Me Info Booklet

Hauaora Assessment by Jireh Ngauru

What am I learning?
I am learning to Describe the changes, challenges, and needs of adolescents with respect to the 4 dimensions of Hauora.

How does this work show my learning?
This shows my learning by showing the physical health, family health, spiritual health and mental health.   

What am I wondering?
I am wondering? what will happen if we didn't have hauoua through all school's?

What would I like to improve my work?
I would like to have written more things on the different dimensions, but due to lack of space I couldn't, so I guess changing the brochure maker will make a difference next time.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

The Importance of 'Empathy'

What is Empathy?

LO: Investigate community helping agencies that are available to assist people within the dimensions of Hauora.
Empathy: The ability to understand someones Else's feelings as if they are your 
Empathy doesn't mean to be alone empathy is to understand someone's feeling/in pain the 
feeling of being alone.
Image result for empathy

 Would you treat them differently?
1.19-year-old on life support
2.Recently deforced.

3.Why is so imported.

  Why is Empathy Imported?
Image result for empathize
Empathy is important to people empathy helps people empathize their feelings inside of others. Empathy can also be important to people some may hide their feelings some might keep it to their selfs.          

Friday, 4 August 2017


What we have been doing in art?
We have been learning to draw comic book heroes

We have looked at work book page layout and origins of superheroes.

Stand By Me Vocab

What am I learning?
I am learning to Describe the changes, challenges, and needs of adolescents with respect to the 4 dimensions of Hauora.

How does this work show my learning?
 This shows my learning by figuring out what the words mean and the stand by me kete.  

Friday, 28 July 2017

Haroua kete task 2017

What am I learning?

I am learning to Describe the changes, challenges, and needs of adolescents with respect to the 4 dimensions of Hauora.

How does this work show my learning?
This shows my learning by showing the physical health, family health, spiritual health and mental health.   

What am I wondering?
I am wondering? what will happen if we didn't have hauoua through all school's?

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Purpose NZ dance

Why do people dance?

  • We dance for physical fitness
  • We dance mental clarity. 
  • We dance for emotional stabliltiy.
  • Dance to acquire a sound mind and body. 
  • People dance because of the emotion inside them makes a dancing type of mode.


Graduate profile goal


My Graduate profile for the end of term 2
My goal is to:
Work hard to learn as much as I can.

To achieve this goal I am going to do the following things:
-Work with one other person.
-Sit with one person who can help me.
-Stay focused.
Listen when the teacher is talking 


Ethos uses people that are respected or famous to convince their customer to buy their product.

Uses emotions to convince the people in an argument.
Uses logic to persuade people to try/buy their product.

Monday, 19 June 2017

Statistical Investigation Plan 2017

Statistical Investigation Plan

  1. When Mrs Elley ordered the furniture for the new Year 7 & 8 department at Hornby High School in 2014, she ordered a range of different types so that students could choose tables and seating that they were most comfortable at for learning.  So me people like to stand at the big tables, others are more comfortable on the floor.  With our rebuild there is going to be a need for more new furniture.  This time she would like student opinion on the types of furniture preferred by Year 7 and 8 students for learning.

  • What types tables do you do you prefer? Tables or Desk

  • Why did you pick this?

  • What kind of chair do you normally sit on?

  • What make your learning inporve ?

Physics of car racing

What I tried today-why I tried it 
I tried to add two balloons at the end of the car to slow it down from going of track.
What happened when I tried to race it?
The car went far but then it did a 360 turn on faced backwards.
What I will try next time?
I will try to research some more then just trying to do it.
What research did I do?
I did some research on how to modify the toy car.

The Physics Of Car Racing

1.What has been done to make this a 'fair test'
  • They all have to drive forward.
  • We all have a selection of choice of what materials we want on the car.
  • All the cars are the exact same.
2.What forces are needed to make the car go faster and how have you modified your car accordingly?
Gravity and thrust are the forces of the car to make it accelerate to the green line.The lift makes it stay on the ground so it doesn't flip of go off the track.  

3.What forces are needed to make the car stop and what adjustments have you made to try and stop it by the line?
Gravity and drag.We have added more weight onto the back which the gravity keeps it down.The car and the wheels front and back drag makes it go slower.

4.What forces are needed to make the car travel further and what adjustments have you made to achieve this?
We need thrust,gravity and lift to make it go further the thrust helps by pushing it down all the way to the end of the track.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Business through gaming

LO: We are learning to run a profitable business.

What game did you play?

The games that I played is Trade around the world, Small business game and gumption those three games help us learn what business work is about.
Image result for small business gameImage result for gumptionsImage result for trade around the world

What did you enjoy\not enjoy about them?
The business game I enjoyed the most is Trading around the world that business game made me interested in the game itself, however, the game I didn't enjoy was the Small business game because you would lose a lot of money very quick if you don't know how to make money.

What we have learned about running a business&trading?
I was learning when I was playing the game I watched how to play this game and I know how to play then I know how to buy properties, save the money.

What I am wondering?
I am wondering about if we could play all of the business games again but with a bit more knowledge.